The Noting Practice

I have spent many years perfecting my ‘journaling’ I have now perfected it so that every night (usually) I make an entry using the well-used (and shared if you have been in my world at all) acronyms:

  • WWW - What Went Well
  • WIN – What’s Important Now
  • WNW - What Needs Work
Having created this habit for myself I can ensure that I have reflected on the day, thinking about the achievements and what’s gone well but also get clear about what’s key for tomorrow.

So, this got me thinking about what it is I do during the day that keeps me on track when I cannot write things down. I came across this practice of Noting – it helps to develop mindfulness, the idea is that you are making mental notes when a particular thought or emotion arises and this helps us to become more consciously aware of what it is we are experiencing.

An example of this is if I notice that my back is uncomfortable as I’m sitting at my desk, I become consciously aware of my discomfort providing me with the opportunity to respond wisely to my current circumstance – getting up and walking around, having a stretch.

I love to use this as a part of my actual meditation at times. For example, when I notice my mind wanders off and I am strategizing or planning I can softly say to myself “… strategy …” or “… planning …” and then bring my attention back to my breath.

Or during my day I may notice that I’m feeling a little rushed and I can note that and choose to take a few nice, deep breaths to bring myself back to this moment.

To have any choice in how we respond, however, we need the mental space to consider our options. Give it a try !

Stay Focussed, Keep Positive and Choose to +1 in Every Moment.

Love, Hugs, High Fives and Fist Bumps

Toni x

Toni Eastwood OBE, MBA #TheWomanBeyond

P.S.  I'll be sharing more great ways to ensure you get the most out of you days and life, in just two weeks from today - I'd love for you to join me

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